Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Research in Education

Year: 2019


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Four Reasons: The Garden and His Double

Jesús Marín-Clavijo



Analysis of an experimental educational methodology aimed at professional development in the field of visual arts. For this, it is based on the experimental and expository proposal consisting of the use of site-specific sculpture as a creative and methodological strategy for the exploration of the line of own research of students of plastic arts degree and predoctoral postgraduates. The selection of the students/artists was made based on the creative research lines they develop, examples of works that startfrom considering the sculptural as intrinsically related to the environment, and more specifically with the natural environment from a phenomenological and structural point of view in terms of artistic experience; and also, from a point of view of sculptural linguistic research based on the Kraussian foundations of the expanded sculptural field that formally arise from a Piaget ́s group. On the other hand, the exhibition proposal is intended as a framework for deepening production and artistic diffusion oriented to immersion in a professional experience in which all aspects of the creative process can be addressed, from the mere idea to dissemination through from different means of artistic work, so that the training obtained by the artists/students is holistic in terms of the professional field of visual arts.

Keywords: site-specific; sculpture; expanded field; environment; professional experience.

Template 1

Jesús Marín-Clavijo

Departamento Arte y Arquitectura Universidad de Málaga

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